Friday, December 9, 2011

Things I learned in Spinning Class today!!

I went to a Spinning Class today and I came away with some pretty insightful new information.

1. Remember to breathe…when your lips are tingling because of lack of oxygen, holding your breath is probably not a good thing.

2. Have a buddy system when you go out to purchase those workout clothes. If it stretches so thin you can see my butt thorough the fabric please be a dear friend and tell me BEFORE I make the purchase.

3. Once you are finished with class don’t guzzle a 32oz anything other than water, remember you just burned those calories…you don’t want to put them RIGHT back on before you have even left the gym.

4. A post workout glow is so sexy!

Bottom line, keep moving and keep your eyes on the healthy prize!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back in the day...

Back in the day
Boys wore their pants around their waist.

Back in the day
Good girls didn’t show cleavage.

Back in the day
Boys didn’t have full grown mustaches in high school.

Back in the day
It was shameful for a girl to be pregnant in high school.

Back in the day
Drugs weren’t prevalent in the school cafeteria.

Back in the day
Your parents didn’t help you with your homework but you had better not come home with a bad grade.

Back in the day
Holiday decorations were put out a 30 days before the holiday…not 90 days!

Back in the day
We appreciated everything we had…big or small.

Back in the day
There were school plays.

Back in the day
There were no school fundraisers.

Back in the day
There weren’t participation awards for every member of a team. You earned your award or you didn’t get one.

Back in the day
You had to be in the house before the street lights came on.

Back in the day
You could record songs from the radio and play them back on your boom box!

Back in the day
We played Atari…that’s was it. End of video games!

Back in the day
Cartons came on at 7am on Saturday and went off at noon.

Back in the day
The TV went off at midnight.

Back in the day
There were only 3 major TV stations.

Back in the day
We had REAL music that everyone in the family could listen to.

Back in the day
We would have never considered having a black president.

Back in the day
We got busy signals when someone we called was on the phone.

Back in the day
Personal ads were posted in the Newspaper

Back in the day
We didn't have Blogs!